123 research outputs found

    Noncoding RNA in cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) are tumors with a dismal prognosis. Early diagnosis is a key challenge because of the lack of specific symptoms, and the curability rate is low due to the difficulty in achieving a radical resection and the intrinsic chemoresistance of CCA cells. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are transcripts that are not translated into proteins but exert their functional role by regulating the transcription and translation of other genes. The discovery of the first ncRNA dates back to 1993 when the microRNA (miRNA) lin-4 was discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans. Only 10 years later, miRNAs were shown to play an oncogenic role in cancer cells and within 20 years miRNA therapeutics were tested in humans. Here, the authors review the latest evidence for a role for ncRNAs in CCA and discuss the promise and challenges associated with the introduction of ncRNAs into clinical practice

    Cholangiocarcinoma disease modelling through patients derived organoids

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    Cancer organoids are 3D phenotypic cultures that can be established from resected or biopsy tumour samples and can be grown as mini tumours in the dish. Flourishing evidence supports the feasibility of patient derived organoids (PDO) from a number of solid tumours. Evidence for cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) PDO is still sparse but growing. CCA PDO lines have been established from resected early stage disease, advanced cancers and highly chemorefractory tumours. Cancer PDO was shown to recapitulate the 3D morphology, genomic landscape and transcriptomic profile of the source counterpart. They proved to be a valued model for drug discovery and sensitivity testing, and they showed to mimic the drug response observed in vivo in the patients. However, PDO lack representation of the intratumour heterogeneity and the tumour-stroma interaction. The efficiency rate of CCA PDO within the three different subtypes, intrahepatic, perihilar and distal, is still to be explored. In this manuscript we will review evidence for CCA PDO highlighting advantages and limitations of this novel disease model

    Oligometastatic gastric cancer: an emerging clinical entity with distinct therapeutic implications

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    Gastric cancer (GC) remains responsible for a high burden worldwide being the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Most of patients present at an advanced stage at diagnosis and are thus candidates to standard chemotherapy resulting in median survival of less than 1 year. Oligometastatic gastric cancer is an increasingly recognized clinical entity characterized by limited metastatic spread that has been showing to benefit from aggressive multimodality strategies encompassing chemotherapy and surgery. The ongoing RENAISSANCE/AIO-FLOT5 (NCT02578368) phase III trial is aimed at evaluating if perioperative chemotherapy with FLOT in combination with surgical resection of the primary tumour and metastases could become the new standard of care for oligometastatic GC. In the meantime, in addition to currently available clinical parameters, the emerging predictive/prognostic role of biomarkers such mismatch repair deficiency/microsatellite instability high status needs to be specifically addressed also in this subgroup of GC to assist in patient selection

    Patient-derived organoids as a model for cancer drug discovery

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    In the search for the ideal model of tumours, the use of three-dimensional in vitro models is advancing rapidly. These are intended to mimic the in vivo properties of the tumours which affect cancer development, progression and drug sensitivity, and take into account cell–cell interactions, adhesion and invasiveness. Importantly, it is hoped that successful recapitulation of the structure and function of the tissue will predict patient response, permitting the development of personalized therapy in a timely manner applicable to the clinic. Furthermore, the use of co-culture systems will allow the role of the tumour microenvironment and tissue–tissue interactions to be taken into account and should lead to more accurate predictions of tumour development and responses to drugs. In this review, the relative merits and limitations of patient-derived organoids will be discussed compared to other in vitro and ex vivo cancer models. We will focus on their use as models for drug testing and personalized therapy and how these may be improved. Developments in technology will also be considered, including the use of microfluidics, 3D bioprinting, cryopreservation and circulating tumour cell-derived organoids. These have the potential to enhance the consistency, accessibility and availability of these models

    Pathogenetic role and clinical implications of regulatory RNAs in biliary tract cancer

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    Biliary tract cancer (BTC) is characterised by poor prognosis and low overall survival in patients. This is generally due to minimal understanding of its pathogenesis, late diagnosis and limited therapeutics in preventing or treating BTC patients. Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) are small RNAs (mRNA) that are not translated to proteins. ncRNAs were considered to be of no importance in the genome, but recent studies have shown they play essential roles in biology and oncology such as transcriptional repression and degradation, thus regulating mRNA transcriptomes. This has led to investigations into the role of ncRNAs in the pathogenesis of BTC, and their clinical implications. In this review, the mechanisms of action of ncRNA are discussed and the role of microRNAs in BTC is summarised. The scope of this review will be limited to miRNA as they have been shown to play the most significant roles in BTC progression. There is huge potential in miRNA-based biomarkers and therapeutics in BTC, but more studies, research and technological advancements are required before it can be translated into clinical practice for patients

    Biology and clinical application of regulatory RNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The majority of the human genome comprises of DNA genes that are translated into RNAs but not into proteins. These RNA molecules are named non‐coding RNAs (ncRNA). While in the past it was thought that ncRNAs would be redundant without relevant functions, it is now well established that ncRNAs identify a class of regulatory molecules that finely tune cell homeostasis and are deregulated in disease states, including Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Of note, the number of ncRNAs within a cell increases progressively with the complexity of the species indicating their essential role in the maintenance of regulatory networks that impact the intricacy of the organism. ncRNAs have been demonstrated to mediate HCC development and progression by affecting intrinsic cancer cell signaling and cross talk between malignant cells and the microenvironment. They hold promise as clinical biomarkers, but further evidence is warranted prior to translation and integration within clinical practice

    Molecular perturbations in cholangiocarcinoma: is it time for precision medicine?

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    The complexity of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) cellularity and the molecular perturbation mechanisms that underlie the diversity of growth patterns of this malignancy remain a clinical concern. Tumours of the biliary system display significant intrinsic chemoresistance, caused by significant stromal involvement and genome–wide tumour heterogeneity, hampering disease remission and palliation as well as promoting the metastatic behaviour. It is crucial to advance our present understanding of the risk and molecular pathogenesis of CCA. This will facilitate the delineation of patient subsets based on molecular perturbations and adjust for precision therapies

    Characterisation of the immune-related transcriptome in resected biliary tract cancers

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    Although biliary tract cancers (BTCs) are known to have an inflammatory component, a detailed characterisation of immune-related transcripts has never been performed. In these studies, nCounter PanCancer Immune Profiling Panel was used to assess the expression of 770 immune-related transcripts in the tumour tissues (TTs) and matched adjacent tissues (ATs) of resected BTCs. Cox regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier methods were used to correlate findings with relapse-free survival (RFS). The first analysis in the TT and AT of an exploratory set (n = 22) showed deregulation of 39 transcripts associated with T-cell activation. Risk of recurrence was associated with a greater number of genes deregulated in AT in comparison to TT. Analysis in the whole set (n = 53) showed a correlation between AT cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA4) expression and RFS, which maintained statistical significance at multivariate analysis. CTLA4 expression correlated with forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) expression, suggesting enrichment in T regulatory cells. CTLA4 is known to act by binding to the cluster of differentiation 80 (CD80). No association was seen between AT CD80 expression and RFS. However, CD80 expression differentiated prognosis in patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy. We showed that the immunomodulatory transcriptome is deregulated in resected BTCs. Our study includes a small number of patients and does not enable to draw definitive conclusions; however, it provides useful insights into potential transcripts that may deserve further investigation in larger cohorts of patients. TRANSCRIPT PROFILING: Nanostring data have been submitted to GEO repository: GSE90698 and GSE906

    Adjuvant chemotherapy for resected biliary tract cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: The use of adjuvant treatment (AT) in resected biliary tract cancers (BTC) is still controversial. No efficacy comparison has been performed between chemotherapy (CT) and chemoradiotherapy (CTRT). A systematic review of the available evidence regarding adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) in resected BTC was performed. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, SCOPUS and The Cochrane Library databases were searched for relevant articles published. Only studies including at least 50 patients affected by tumors of gallbladder, intrahepatic, perihilar, and distal bile ducts were considered. Data were pooled using a random-effects model. The primary endpoint of the study was overall survival (OS). Results: Thirty studies were analyzed with a total of 22,499 patients, 3967 of whom received AC. Eleven cohorts included Western patients and 19 were Asiatic. Surgeries were classified as R0 with negative margins, R1 with positive microscopic and R2 with positive macroscopic margins. Weighted mean OS difference among experimental (AC) and control arm was 4.3 months (95% CI 0.88–7.79, P = 0.014). AC reduced the risk of death by 41% (Hazard ratio [HR] = 0.59, 95% CI 0.49–0.71; P < 0.001). Conclusions: AC administration gives an OS benefit in resected BTC. The results of prospective randomized studies are awaited in order to define the standard AT in BTC

    Recommendations on maximising the clinical value of tissue in the management of patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

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    Background &amp; Aims: Patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma can now be managed with targeted therapies directed against specific molecular alterations. Consequently, tissue samples submitted to the pathology department must produce molecular information in addition to a diagnosis or, for resection specimens, staging information. The pathologist's role when evaluating these specimens has therefore changed to accommodate such personalised approaches. Methods: We developed recommendations and guidance for pathologists by conducting a systematic review of existing guidance to generate candidate statements followed by an international Delphi process. Fifty-nine pathologists from 28 countries in six continents rated statements mapped to all elements of the specimen pathway from receipt in the pathology department to authorisation of the final written report. A separate survey of ‘end-users’ of the report including surgeons, oncologists, and gastroenterologists was undertaken to evaluate what information should be included in the written report to enable appropriate patient management. Results: Forty-eight statements reached consensus for inclusion in the guidance including 10 statements about the content of the written report that also reached consensus by end-user participants. A reporting proforma to allow easy inclusion of the recommended data points was developed. Conclusions: These guiding principles and recommendations provide a framework to allow pathologists reporting on patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma to maximise the informational yield of specimens required for personalised patient management. Impact and Implications: Biopsy or resection lesional tissue from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma must yield information about the molecular abnormalities within the tumour that define suitability for personalised therapies in addition to a diagnosis and staging information. Here, we have developed international consensus guidance for pathologists that report such cases using a Delphi process that sought the views of both pathologists and ‘end-users of pathology reports. The guide highlights the need to report cases in a way that preserves tissue for molecular testing and emphasises that reporting requires interpretation of histological characteristics within the broader clinical and radiological context. The guide will allow pathologists to report cases of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in a uniform manner that maximises the value of the tissue received to facilitate optimal multidisciplinary patient management.</p
